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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Updates and Delays

Oh time, 
I don't have enough of you. . .


Wow . . . It has been more than a month since I have made a blog entry 
I'm pretty sad about it . . .

But here's what's up

Life seems to bring me many opportunities and many disappointments, especially now that I'm a senior in high school and also dealing with normal teen issues

What are the disappointments?

Well I haven't sewn anything amazing (or much of anything) in a month or so because of all the work loads I am trying to keep up with, and YES I'm talking about the evils of homework

I mean, I had a custom order come in. . . but it was only a wrist band order
And I made another Fluttershy hat that it had her cutie mark
. . . 
Maybe I should have posted that
Anyways, it was for a hat exchange with a friend
Other than that, nothing really significant has come off of my sewing machine

Once again, I cry in the corner

Another thing, I'm not sure if anyone reading this has read my post about a custom cosplay for a friend. 
Yeah. . . not ganna happen

I had to cancel due to all the work I have to do
It is a sad day because that could have gotten me $100 in my pocket
But I guess it is my fault for sort of procrastinating and delaying my schedule, just a tiny bit
Hell. . . idk


Um . . . 

Well for one thing, I am now responsible of making costumes for my school theater play/movie that we are doing for the semester
(and it will be my last performance from 7th grade to now)
The shows are "Waiting for Godot" and "The Importance of Being Earnest"
Pictures of such will be posted, of course, but that will be in around March

But I'm SO GLAD that I get to sew soon! 
Because I haven't sewn in so long, I have had this DYING feeling that I will loose my motivation and creativity cause of all this GODDAMN WORK ahead of me. . .
I'm afraid that I will loose myself in just the guilt of WORK WORK WOOORK

I'm not sure how to explain it. . .

Just. . . fuck it

Also, a little news on the shop,
I recently went to a convention (SAM Con) at the local alternative cafe
named Cafe Coco
I was selling my hats, wrist bands, skirts, and whatever was waiting to be taken home
I only sold 2 lolita hats. . . 
It was a relatively small con anyways

. . .

Anyways, that's what life has been like for the past month

. . . 


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